Mohammed Banbangida Prefers Jazz

Mohammed Babangida is a fan of all music but his favorite is American jazz.

Here are his r
easons: Jazz is about inspiration. Jazz musicians utilize the inspiration of the moment. Their knowledge of music theory, life experience, social, political, and economic Surroundings, technical savvy on their instruments, and, especially, all the music (Particularly jazz and blues) they have ever heard that has influenced them (even the most avant-garde jazz artists reflect, in some way, the music of their musical forefathers). Jazz is music of the present moment, anchored lovingly and respectfully in the past. Mohammed Babangida loves jazz because it is young new and vibrant. Jazz is a newcomer to music — unlike symphonic music, folk music, or opera, jazz is only a century old.

Finally, Mohammed Babangida appreciates jazz because it was born out of the Black experience in America, basically fusing African and European musical traditions. Evolving from slave work songs, spirituals (religious Black American folk songs), blues, brass band music, and ragtime (a rhythmically sophisticated piano style), jazz first appeared in the culturally diverse city of New Orleans in the early 1900s.

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